Mental Health on the Road: Why It Matters and How to Help

Life on the road can be an exhilarating experience, but with it comes challenges that can take a toll on a driver’s mental health. Long hours, isolation, busy schedules, and time away from loved ones can contribute to feelings of stress, loneliness, and burnout.
Mental health is just as important as physical health, yet it’s often overlooked in the trucking industry. Recognizing this, we’re here to bring awareness to mental wellbeing for drivers, providing practical tips and resources to support a healthier mindset on every mile. Whether it’s managing stress, staying connected, or knowing when to seek help, prioritizing mental health on the road is essential for a fulfilling, balanced life behind the wheel.
Breaking the Stigma
When generalized, the trucking community can be stereotyped as an “unfearing” business- where personal feelings are overlooked in order to seem stronger. This is a false narrative that society has placed on so many drivers, when in fact, nearly 30% of Americas truckers deal with deal with mental health battles on the road. The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found in a recent survey study that 27.9% of truck drivers suffer from loneliness and 26.9% battle depression.
So, how do we break the stigma around drivers’ mental health? With such an isolated day to day life, it can seem like there is no hope. Breaking this so-called stereotype is crucial to not only drivers, but their loved ones, coworkers, and employers. It is important to recognize that anyone of any age, gender, financial status, and/or background can face mental illness challenges. Promoting open conversations and access to proper resources are just a few ways that stigma can slowly crack.
Things You Can Do

Though it may seem extremely lonely, there are many different ways you as a driver can heal and help others. Here are just a few tips from a few C.R. England drivers on how they stay mentally well:
“Eat healthy! Always follow the signs, stay out of junk food.”
“Accepting that you might not be at every birthday with your family and remembering that that is okay.”
“One thing a lot of drivers don’t realize is how much sleep can affect their mental health. When your body is overly stressed from lack of sleep it triggers your fight or flight response causing you to feel anxious and detached.
Get enough sleep and always take care of you, that load will get there only if you do.”
“Meditations and podcasts help me to feel calmer.”
“The things that work for me are cooking during 34, workout two to three times weekly, asking for a short distance load once every two weeks, and meditation.”
There are countless ways to improve your wellbeing, take it from these drivers! Prioritizing mental health not only improves the quality of life for drivers but also enhances safety and productivity on the road. Remember, taking care of your mind is just as important as taking care of your equipment.
When alone on the road, it can often be difficult to find resources that will work for you and your tight schedule. Here are a few resources that can help you as a driver in times of need.
- NAMI (National Association on Mental Illness)– Support and crisis hotlines available, as well as specific support for any demographic.
- Recovery Village– A website full of information on mental illness and recovery.
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline- Dial 988 to talk to a professional, available any time and any place.
- “Truck Driver Mental Health [Tips from a Doctor]“- An article written by Dr. Alan Olson, a senior aviation medical examiner (AME) who works specifically with truck drivers across the country.
- Utah Trucking Association– For Utah locals, UTA offers seminars, advice, and support groups for truck drivers.

Moving Forward
Mental health is an essential part of the trucking journey, and it deserves as much attention as physical health and vehicle maintenance. By sharing tips, prioritizing self-care, and fostering a supportive community, drivers can create a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle on and off the road. Whether it’s finding ways to manage stress, staying connected with loved ones, or seeking professional support when needed, small steps can lead to big changes.
One of C.R. England key company values is “We Are Family” for a reason. When reaching out and making connections, you will find that you are not alone in your journey. Family goes beyond blood here at C.R. England. “Through mutual respect and genuine care, we are here for each other.”
Continuing the conversation about mental health in the trucking industry and ensuring that every driver knows they’re not alone in navigating the challenges of the road is crucial to delivering excellence every day. Together, we can drive toward a brighter, healthier future.